It’s spring, time to prepare the medicinal herb garden!

Welcome Spring!  You’ve been dreaming all winter about starting a medicinal herb garden, but now that the ground has thawed you realize you have no idea where to begin.  Fear not, and read on for a simple medicinal herb garden plan that incorporates a pharmacy of herbs for self-care that are easy to grow in … Read more

Herbal Activities at Home

herbal activity - pressed violet tincture

Being an introvert by nature who also loves to garden, staying home is natural for me this time of year.  Still, I know this is a challenging time for many.  As such, I’d like to offer the following fun herbal activities at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Start an Herb Garden At the onset of … Read more

4th of July and Victory Gardens – a classic pair

Home vegetable garden July 4, 2019

The 4th of July always brings back memories of our backyard vegetable garden when I was growing up.  It was a goal to harvest our first zucchini by (or before!) this date in western Pennsylvania. This July 4th, I am reminded of one of my very first blog posts on the Maryland Extension’s now-retired Grow … Read more

Defeating the Squash Vine Borer – FINALLY!

Zucchini plants

Every spring, after a long, cold, dark winter has washed away any memories of the prior growing season’s trials, I awaken hopeful (and naïve?).  Despite my husband’s warnings, and probably my better judgement, I persist in planting zucchini in my garden.  Sure, I know that zucchini has the unfortunate reputation as being overgrown – there’s … Read more